Key Performance Indicator Dashboards
Centralised KPI’s
Can we get ready access to real-time, accurate and targeted information upon which we can act?
KPI Delivery
Individual, team, project and department KPI’s are mandatory for your agency leadership to make informed business decisions. Often this information is archived in disparate locations across the business, making it difficult to access, review and manage.
Ntuity’ Productivity Suite includes a dashboard for each individual team across the organisation. The dashboard is personalised to deliver individual KPIs and reports with multiple tabs, each with specific reports, graphs or KPI indicators. Employees can interact with the various components to hover, drill down or filter the data. All data can be viewed as rich text, spreadsheets, PDF or HTML.
Reporting Teams
A key feature of the KPI module is authorised access by employee seniority and function to KPI information. Team Leaders and employees can be assigned multiple reporting indicators based on their team, the project etc. giving them viewability of multiple dashboards and performance indicators.
Report Writer
The online software dashboards can be created and modified using Ntuity’s integrated report writing functionality, in which the data views are pre-prepared and come standard within the platform.
Ntuity Productivity Suite delivers meaningful reporting and KPIs in real time, in an easily managed and accessible format.


Reporting Teams

Report Writer
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To experience Ntuity's collaborative project management software for your agency book an
online demonstration with
Marshall Duncan