Being easy to use is key to Project Management Tools.

Project Management, workflow, advertising, marketing, collaboration

Drag & Drop as well as Dynamic Task Assignment. Project management for advertising and marketing organisations is not a “one size fits all” proposition. Digital Developments, On-ground Events, TVCs for …

Ntuity is not one of the toys

Ntuity, marketing, advertising

Ntuity, Increasing Profits for Marketing Communications Organisations. Marketing communications and advertising organisations have the choice of hundreds of workflow apps, just as many project management apps and maybe even more …

Does GDPR affect entities outside of the European Union?

GDPR, Human Resources, HR, Advertiting, Marketing

GDPR is the mnemonic for General Data Protection Regulation which is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission intend to strengthen …

Marcomms organisations MUST read this:

Ntuity, GDPR, worklow, collaboration, advertising, marketing

With fines of up to €20 million or 5% of gross turnover, not reviewing your GDPR compliance simply is not an option. By May 2018, less than 100 days from …

GDPR Compliance for Marcomms Organisations

GDPR, advertising, marketing, Huma Resources

GDPR compliance deadline is imminent, Ntuity helps simplify key HR metrics for marcomms organisations. Find out more about our HR Module plus how Ntuity works with you to bring measurable …